Starcom attends CES each year eager to discover new ways technology is enhancing and changing the human experience. This year, we witnessed thousands of new technologies and tech innovations that transformed how we shop, adapt to our current circumstances, know ourselves better, feel safer and entertain ourselves.
And with all of that comes many opportunities to enable and strengthen the relationships between people and brands.
We are excited to share Starcom’s curated view of some of the most interesting themes and tech developments that we saw emerge from CES 2021, the human insights behind these innovations and their implications for marketers.
Starcom's 2021 themes at-a-glance include:
The Shifted Journey. Technology has enabled all brands to become pseudo D2C brands.
In-Home Virtual Scaling of IRL Experiences. Digitizing experiences people value.
Sensorial and Human Interfaces. Building a more personal and emotive relationship with tech.
Niche to Mainstream. Tech that was once for a few is now widely available to all.
New Expectations in a Virtual World. The all-virtual CES experience itself underscored new expectations and ways to experience brands.
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